Until Summer Bank Holiday (Scotland) are 170 days, ie 5 months and 17 days.
In 2025 Summer Bank Holiday (Scotland) is on 4th August (Monday).
Celebrated on the first Monday of August since its beginnings in 1871. After the date of the holiday has changed for the rest of The United Kingdom (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) the Scotland stayed with the old one but changed its holiday habits. Even though it is an official bank holiday in Scotland, it is not a day off as one might think the “bank holiday” name would indicate. Scottish people will then go to work on their Summer Bank Holidays and all the banks will be open. So despite the fact that the official holiday’s date is in the beginning of the month, marking the middle of the summer season, an important part of it which is not working has moved to the end of the month together with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is because in 1996 Scottish banks decided, for logistical reasons, that they should be closed on the same day as the rest of the Kingdom. That is why in Scotland a “bank holiday” doesn’t really mean a “bank holiday”. The name is left only because of habitude and tradition. There are many festivals happening in Scotland at this time of year but none of them carries any kind of special importance nor they are not directly associated with the summer bank holiday. There are a few Festivals in Edinburgh in the beginning of August such as Military Tattoo with massing of military bands, Fringe Festival that has offbeat theatre and comedy and International Festival with music concerts, dance performances and different kinds of shows. There is also the Dundee Fortnight holiday that lasts two weeks starting at the end of July and ending the first week of August, it is celebrated in one of the Scotland’s biggest cities called Dundee and it has a form of a fair. Travelling showman still perform there every year and so do other entertainers and performers. Football games are organized for adults and all kinds of games and activities for children. These festivities usually include the summer bank holiday but do not happen because of it. This day is much more important in England than in Scotland and if people need to work then no wonder they don’t have time nor enthusiasm to celebrate a middle of other people’s vacation time.