Today is 4th October 2024 📆

  • Sunrise 07:10
  • Sunset 18:27

  • Moonrise 08:55
  • Moonset 18:47


Day of the year: 278, Week of the year: 40

Proverb of the day

"The secret to living well and longer is: eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure." - Tibetan Proverb

Grandparents Day has its roots in Poland, where in 1964 Grandma’s Day was celebrated for the first time. Very soon after that the Grandpa’s Day was celebrated and the dates, respectively 21st and 22nd January, for these holidays have been established. It took thirteen years for these holidays to cross...

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International Day of the Girl Child

No Bra Day in some countries around the world is celebrated every year on May 30th. In the United States, however, this holiday falls a few months later, namely October 13th, because in this country, October is the month of breast cancer awareness. The organizers across the ocean openly express their...

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Also known as International Necktie Day

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