21st June 2099 - Tear-Off Calendar 📆☼Sunrise 03:48Sunset 20:16♊/♋☽Moonrise 06:21Moonset 22:5820th June‹Sunday2122nd June›June 2099Day of the year: 172, Week of the year: 25Father's DayHolidays and observances in 21st June 2099World Hydrography DayMusic DayWorld ALS DaySelfie DayGo Skateboarding DayWorld Giraffe DayInternational Day of the Celebration of the SolsticeInternational Day of YogaHolidays in the world in 21st June 2099USA 🇺🇸 - Father's DayCanada 🇨🇦 - Father's Day