International Plastic Bag Free Day 2024

International Plastic Bag Free Day was 24 days ago.

In 2024 International Plastic Bag Free Day was on 3rd July (Wednesday).

Their dizzying career began in 1965 and if the world does not stop production altogether, in 30 years' time the weight of plastic bags thrown into the seas and oceans will exceed that of all creatures living in them. The weight of the problem is worth thinking about every day, but once a year there is a special opportunity – International Plastic Bag Free Day.

International Plastic Bag Free Day

International Plastic Bag Free Day was born as an international campaign, created by activists from associations such as Zero Waste Europe and GAIA, and is celebrated on July 3rd. It is an important day to raise awareness of the negative impact of disposable plastic bags on the planet's environment. The feast is celebrated by many organisations aware of the need for alternatives instead of disposable plastic bags that do not serve the blue planet. On this day it becomes important to look for safer alternatives to show that it is possible to function without so much plastic. International Plastic Bag Free Day is today part of the global Break Free from Plastic Movement which today brings together as many as 1900 organizations.

Other years

Day of the weekDateName of holiday
Sunday3rd July 2022International Plastic Bag Free Day 2022
Monday3rd July 2023International Plastic Bag Free Day 2023
Thursday3rd July 2025International Plastic Bag Free Day 2025
Friday3rd July 2026International Plastic Bag Free Day 2026
Saturday3rd July 2027International Plastic Bag Free Day 2027
Monday3rd July 2028International Plastic Bag Free Day 2028
Tuesday3rd July 2029International Plastic Bag Free Day 2029

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